RWTH Innovation GmbH
RWTH Innovation GmbH
- Prolog-HCIC [4731]
- Campus-Boulevard 57, 52074 Aachen
- +49 241 80-96610
Beschäftigte der Organisation
- von Appen, Jörg, Dr. rer. nat.
- Geschäftsführer
- Römgens, Tobias
- Geschäftsführer
- Riesener, Michael, Dr.
- Geschäftsführer
- Steininger, Ramona, LL.M.
- Prokuristin
Administrative Operations
- Ewert, Maren, Dipl.-Kff. (FH)
- Head of Administrative Operations
- Hagen, Lavinia, B. A.
- IP Administration Manager | Human Resources Manager | Patentreferentin
- Liauw, Susanne, Dr. rer. nat.
- Office Manager | Human Resources Manager
- Schölgens, Pia, B. A.
- IP Administration Manager | Patentreferentin
- Simons, Katharina
- Project Manager | Patentreferentin
- Tiedt, Yvonne
- Office Manager | Accounting | Rechtsfachwirtin | Patentreferentin
- Vollenbroich, Martin
- IT Support Manager
Collective Incubator
- Cilt, Yasemin, M. Sc.
- Head of Collective Incubator | Business Development | Industry Relations Manager
- Heibges, Aron
- Collective Incubator
- Mattay, Wibke
- Head of Collective Incubator | Administrative Operations
- Straßmair, Henning
- Collective Incubator
- Wagner, Clarissa, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
- Collective Incubator | Office Manager
- Wensing, Markus, B.Eng.
- Collective Incubator
- Braun, Karolina
- Graduate Assistant | Collective Incubator
- Hoffmann, Fynn
- Student Assistant | Collective Incubator Maker Space
- Lebus, David
- Student Assistant | Collective Incubator
- Ludwig, Lena
- Student Assistant | Collective Incubator
- Mertins, Felix
- Student Assistant | Collective Incubator IT
- Vennemann, Jona
- Student Assistant | Collective Incubator Maker Space
- Ziegler, Marina, M. A.
- Head of Communications (in Elternzeit)
- Busch, Alessa, M. A.
- Communications Manager
- Dannenberg, Kirsa, M. A.
- Communications Manager
- Abel, Milan, M.Sc.
- Start-up Coach
- Ahmadian, Natalia
- Entrepreneurship Manager
- Kaiser, Sabine, M. Sc.
- Director Excellence Start-up Center @ RWTH
- Mertsch, Christina, M. Sc.
- Head of Entrepreneurship
- Momoh, Jeffrey, Master of Science (MSc)
- Start-up Coach
- Recker, Tobias, Dr. rer. nat.
- Entrepreneurship Manager
- Saager, Miroslava, M. Sc.
- Entrepreneurship Manager | Industry Relations Manager
- Smerz, Jonathan, M.Sc.
- Start-up Coach
- Spitkovsky, Anton
- Start-up Coach
- Tsekos, Philipp
- Entrepreneurship Manager
- Berbece, Andreea-Simona, B.Sc.
- Graduate Assistant | Entrepreneurship
- Heckmann, Max
- Student Assistant | Entrepreneurship
- Sanci, Sinan
- Student Assistant | Entrepreneurship
Industry Relations
- Fränken, Katharina
- Head of Industry Relations
- Carstens, Alenka
- Industry Relations Manager
- Cilt, Yasemin, M. Sc.
- Industry Relations Manager | Head of Collective Incubator | Business Development
- Hack, Beate
- Industry Relations Manager
- Saager, Miroslava, M. Sc.
- Industry Relations Manager | Entrepreneurship Manager
- Schmitz, Anja
- Industry Relations Manager
- Thronberens, Mirjam, Dr. rer. nat.
- Industry Relations Manager (in Elternzeit)
- Stolz, Tara
- Student Assistant | Industry Relations
IP & Technology Transfer
- Otten, Andreas, Dr. rer. nat.
- Head of IP & Technology Transfer
- Lindenau, Anja, B. Sc. RWTH
- Innovation Manager
- Mertens, Alan, Dr. rer. nat.
- Innovation Manager
- Peters, Alexander, B. Sc. RWTH M. Sc. RWTH
- Innovation Manager
- Spira, Nils, M. Sc. RWTH
- Innovation Manager
- Sternkopf, Marieke
- Innovation Manager
- Werker, Sabine, M. Sc.
- Innovation Manager
- Brock, Alicia, LL.M.
- Legal Manager
- Leutnant, Sonja
- Legal Manager | Syndikusrechtsanwältin
- Pagoni, Eleftheria
- Legal Manager
- Steininger, Ramona, LL.M.
- Head of Legal | Syndikusrechtsanwältin (in Elternzeit)
IKZ 057300
Abkürzung Innovation
Kategorie C.15. Beteiligungen der RWTH